The seat pad is the most important point of contact between cyclist and bicycle; it stands between the cyclist's weight and the saddle and must protect a delicate part of the body; guaranteeing support and protection, while remaining almost imperceptible in movement, is its role. It is therefore understandable that the quality of this accessory depends on innumerable high technical factors: such as the quality of the materials used, research and expertise on the anatomy of the body and the dynamics of movement, the quality of the assembly and, last but not least, the mounting position. In all this Nalini/Moa Sport expresses profound expertise thanks also to know-how developed by the company over almost 60 years of collaboration with top professional teams.
In the range of Nalini/Moa Sport pads you are sure to find the one best suited to your needs. The company is always able to provide assistance in making the most correct choice for each consumer, allowing you, even for customised clothing, to choose the pad you prefer from its range.
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